Sunday, September 17, 2006


Natascha kampusch is a girl kidnapped with 8 years and after 10 years to appeared with life. The young Austrian Natascha Kampusch now has emitted an official notice in which she recognizes that his detector, Wolfgang Priklopil, who committed suicide when she w
as able to escape, was “part of his life”, reason for which feels its death. Also she considers that there is lost no his youth. Natascha Kampusch was kidnapped a morning of March of 1998, when she went to the school in the Austrian locality of Strasshof, near Vienna. During eight years she lived in zulo constructed by his kidnapper under the house on this one: he measured three meters in length by two of wide and two of stop and in him Natascha had television, music and books. In all this time, the kidnapped one was conquering space and freedom until the point of being able to go to the garden of the house.

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